Cocoa Gin 500ml
Cocoa Gin 500ml
When the Dlabka distillery approached us with the idea to make cocoa gin we didn't think much of it. Several others wanted to do that previously and nothing ever came out of it. But the guys from Dlabka really meant it and they got to work straight away. A few months and a couple of meetings and tastings later and an exceptional gin was born. We are happy they chose us as their partners for this venture and we are proud to be able to offer you its fruit now.
This product is not intended for individuals under 18 years of age. Your age will be verified upon delivery.
Please note that this product does not count towards the free shipping threshold.
- fine alcohol, water, juniper, mixture of herbs and spices, roasted cocoa beans
Alcohol content: 45%
Package contents: 500 ml
Producer: DLABKA Distillery
Last 15 pcs
€ 24,45
€ 20,21 excl. VAT